Mobile Phone Comic






This is a system for reading comics on cellular phones. It is necessary for comic images to be divided into frames and the contents such as speech text to be displayed at a comfortable reading size, since it is difficult to display high-resolution images in a low resolution cellular phone environment. We have developed a scheme how to decompose comic images into constituent elements frames, speech text and drawings. We implemented a system on the internet for a cellular phone company in our country, that provides downloadable comic data and a program for reading.

Outline of viewer system

Sorting frames

The order of frames are automatically decided based on the rules.

Extracting Speech text

Text areas in speech baloons are automatically cut out and the text codes are extracted by OCR software.


Examples of comic view

Results are emulated on the PC.

A View in a real phone.

* The comic "Black Jack" is produced by Osamu Tezuka, one of great comic artists in Japan.


Comic Image Decomposition for Reading Comics on Cellular phones
M. Yamada, R. Budiarto, M. Endoh, S. Miyazaki
IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, Vol.E87-D, No.6, pp.1370-1376, 2004.6

A System for Reading Comics on Cellular Phones and Comic Image Decomposition
M. Yamada, R. Budiarto, M. Endo, S. Miyazaki
Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communications, pp.17-22, 2003.10