Origami Simulation Manual
  1. Basic Operation

    1. Move the cursor near to the target vertex you want to pick, and push the left button of mouse.
    2. Drag, then the picked vertex moves.
    3. When you release the left button, folding is fixed.

  2. Options

    "T" KeyTuck in mode On/Off( during Folding Operation )
    "N" keyPush down the vertex ( during Folding Operation )
    "M" KeyPick up the vertex ( during Folding Operation )
    "I" KeyInitialize paper
    "Z" KeyUndo the previous fold

  3. Changing View (ten keys and arrow keys )

    2,4,6,8Up and down, right and left
    5Reset view

  4. Other commands ( Pull down menu by the right button )

    QuitQuits Origami Simulation
    Load FoldingLoads the state of paper from "default.ori".
    Save FoldingSaves the current state of paper to "default.ori". It is overwritten without any warnings.
    Animation On/OffAnimates the fold sequence from the initial state to the current state.
    Rotation On/OffRotates view left to right.
    Coordinates Axis On/OffDraw the coordinate axes.

  5. origami.txt ( generated when Origami Simulation is executed for the first time. )

    It defines shape and color/texture of paper.

      Default values of "origami.txt"
      VertexSize 4
       10.0  10.0
      -10.0  10.0
      -10.0 -10.0
       10.0 -10.0
      FrontColor  255   0   0
      RearColor     0 255 255
      BorderColor 255 255 255
      /FrontTexture  chiyo1.bmp
      /RearTexture   chiyo3.bmp

    • VertexSize means the number of vertices and a group of two dimensional coordinates follows.
    • FrontColor/RearColor/BorderColor means RGB Color values of the front face/rear face/border.
    • FrontTexture/RearTexture means texture images (BMP format) of the front/rear face. When slashes on them are removed, textures are rendered. (FrontColor and RearColor are ignored.)