Car Interior Design



A Collaborated Project

This project started in April 1996 and was completed in March 2001. This project was in collaboration with Chukyo University and a major motor corporation. A large system was constructed for this project in the Computer Graphics Laboratory (CG Lab) of the university. A 120 inch screen projection system was donated by the corporation. It was connected to a high performance super graphics SGI computer, Onyx2 Infinite Reality. Our main goal in this project was to make a stereoscopic display of a cockpit in high precision, which is exact to CAD data. This project was concluded with many satisfactory results, and noticed as a collaboration success story between university and corporation.



A Technique for Precise Depth Representation in Stereoscopic Display
Yoshida S, Miyazaki S, Hoshino T, Ozeki T, Hasegawa J, Yasuda, T, Yokoi S
Visual Computer 17, 1, pp.46-54, 2001.2

An Improved Method of Stereoscopic Depth Perception for a Car Styling Design System
Hoshino T, Ozeki T, Yoshida S, Miyazaki S, Hasegawa J, Yokoi S
Science & Technology in Japan, 17, 67, pp.24-29, 1998

An Improvement Method of Depth Perception in Stereoscopic Display
Yoshida S, Hoshino T, Ozeki T, Miyazaki S, Hasegawa J, Fukumura T
Proc. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol. XXXII, Part 5, Hakodate, pp.386-391, 1998.6

A Technique for Precise Depth Representation in Stereoscopic Display
Yoshida S, Miyazaki S, Hoshino T, Hasegawa J, Ozeki T, Yasuda, T, Yokoi S
Proc. Computer Graphics International'99, Canmore, pp.80-84, 1999.6

Spatial Sketch System for Car Styling Design
Yoshida S, Miyazaki S, Hoshino T, Ozeki T, Hasegawa J, Yasuda, T, Yokoi S
Proc. XIXth Congress of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, pp.919-925, 2000.7