Origami Simulation


The History of Origami Simulation

"Origami Simulation" was developed by Shinya Miyazaki when he was a doctor course student at Nagoya University. He is now a professor at Chukyo University. Origami Simulation was written with C/C++ Language and uses OpenGL library. It enables virtual paper folding (Origami) in a standard PC environment. It was developed on Silicon Graphics (SGI) workstation and translated into Windows.


Source file layout

vertex.hvertex information class
edge.hedge information class
face.hface information class
facegroup.hface group class
stage.hfold stage class
origami.htop class for origami model
mainx.cppevent-driven functions

All files by development platform (includes above source files)

origami-gl.zipOpenGL+ freeGLUT version for VC++.Net
origami-lx.zipOpenGL+ freeGLUT version for Linux *
origami-dx.zipDirectX9 version for VC++.Net **

* Mesa 3D and freeGLUT have to be installed beforehand.
** DirectX 9.0b SDK has to be installed beforehand.


origami.exe (288k)Origami Simulation for Windows *
freeglut.dll (392k) Save in the same directory as "origami.exe". *
manualj.htmlManual in HTML format
origami (118k)Origami Simulation for Linux

* "freeglut.dll" is necessary to execute origami.exe.

Sample images mapped onto Origami faces.

chiyo1.zip (333k)
chiyo2.zip (546k)
chiyo3.zip (639k)

"chiyo*.zip" is expanded into "chiyo*.bmp". For more information, see manual.

Examples of folding process files.


Duplicate favorate one and rename it "default.ori" to be loaded by Origami Simulation. For more information, see manual.


An Origami Playing Simulator in the Virtual Space
Miyazaki S, Yasuda T, Yokoi S, Toriwaki J
The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, vol.7(1), pp.25-42, 1996

Playing "ORIGAMI" in Virtual Space
Toriwaki J, Miyazaki S
Forma, 9, 3, pp.183-191, 1994

An Interactive Simulation System of ORIGAMI Based on Virtual Space Manipulation
Miyazaki S, Yasuda T, Yokoi S, Toriwaki J
Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication '92, Tokyo, pp.210-215, 1992.9

A Virtual Paper Folding Simulator with Curved Surfaces
Miyazaki S, Yasuda T, Yokoi S, Toriwaki J
Insight through Computer Graphics (Proc. Computer Graphics International'94), Melbourne, pp.50-61, 1994.6